Friday, January 14, 2011

I actually wanna go to bed early!?

Hello Friends-

So I am literally typing this blog..
from my bed. haha
I am exhausted! 
I started school at the
 College of Hair Design on monday..
and its great so far!
There are 19 girls 
and 1 boy in my session
so that should be fun. 
Its going to be even better next week 
when we actually get to start doing stuff with hair!

I think this was truely the right
 schooling choice for me!
Im going to have lots of fun,
enjoy my job,
be creative and artsy
and get to work with people.
sounds ideal to me. :)
the only thing that might be 
the death of me is this...

this is called a saddle seat.
this is what we sit in everyday..
all the time.
Its literally like sitting 
on a saddle for a horse.
They are to make you sit correctly
and work well cutting hair i suppose..
but to me.. they are awful!
my butt hurts so bad 
by the end of the day.
I end up standing several times
during the day.
Why cant they at least have backs?!
But i will overcome those darn things!
and learn to love them <3

Other than that,
Ive really enjoyed school so far!
I have my 1st test when
 i return on tuesday.
hmm.. tuesday..i like that sound.
having mondays off will be great.
Ill catch up on sleep. 
Well needed sleep.

speaking of sleep...
makes me wanna go sleep.
so I shall.
I will try to keep yall posted
as to how schools going.
But i likely wont be
able to blog as much as planned.
Schools taking over! 
bring it on! 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hello Friends-

When I started this blog
I thought id update more often
then I realised I get busy..haha
so for the few that read this..
sorry I update so poorly haha

SO lots of stuff to update- 
I usually do..haha

*  Christmas has come and gone..
thank goodness..but..
i got some AWESOME stuff!
I am truely blessed! :) 

* . I start college tomorrow.

I start college.
Heres to the next 14 months being 
turned upside down!
Lots of hair cutting
and new friends!

the one sucky part about this..
is that its non stop snowing still
and they have cancelled all schools..
except mine.

with this said,
i think i should prob go to bed.
night world
ill let ya know how it goes! 