Friday, October 22, 2010

Watch Out World- Im blogging!

Hello Friends,

Why blog you ask? Cuz I wanna! Anyone remember xanga?! Ya, I think I have a secret love for blogging that started there a LONG time ago. haha..Funny thing, I actually got all inspired to actually put a blog together after reading my boyfriends sports blog on and thinking, ya know what? Thats pretty sweet. 

BUT DONT WORRY, no sports blogs on here, just random "im gonna try to be inspirational" thoughts, Lots of pictures, fun things that go on in my crazy world, weird fun crafty things I come up with, and probably a few ridiculous stories from time to time. 

Now you may be asking yourself, why is your blog called "just act natural"
Well friends, this is why.. Its cuz I'm acting natural. Nothing fake, 100% pure, weird, fun, ME.
Im gonna have fun, be myself, and if you wanna read about it..go ahead!

So Id say this was a successful 1st blog- Cheers to many more to come! 

1 comment:

  1. I love that you're blogging. I've been doing it for awhile and I love it, even if no one reads it. It is a nice way to vent frustrations! I'm excited to follow your blog!
